
Let’s Go Fishing

Article Originally Featured at www.harvestingnature.com

No matter how many times it happens, there is always an adrenaline rush when I see my float disappear under the surface of water, or my lure gets bumped as it cuts through the creek. I still get that rush now, even after more than 25 years of trout fishing. I was fortunate enough that my Dad took the time to show me how to trout fish when I was younger, to do everything in his power for me to gain the necessary skills, and above all else, have patience. We have spent many hours together, wading through the local streams and creeks, making some incredible memories along the way that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I want my kids to make these same type of memories as they grow up, and they aren’t going to be able to do that in front of a TV or computer.

It has taken me a long time to realize that going fishing is more than just about catching fish. It’s about spending time in the outdoors with my family or a good friend. I’ve seen incredible sights and have had amazing experiences while trout fishing. The bald eagle gliding just above the tree tops with a fish in its talons, the fawn bedded in the bushes on the bank just a few yards away, casting out into the water as the fog lifted off the surface during a cool morning, and catching fish while in the middle of a torrential down pour are all experiences burned into my memory while fishing with my Dad. Continue reading
